First Parish Burying Ground, Gloucester, Massachusetts - Nikon D300

First Parish Burying Ground, Rockport, Massachusetts - Nikon D300

Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z - it was well into November when I came across my little friend far from home.

Old North End Burying Ground, Ipswich, Massachusetts - Nikon D300

Southside Cemetery, Ipswich, MA - Olympus C3100Z - another ‘whoa’ moment for me. The play with light, dark, and color gives it that 3D effect. That said, it really didn’t take much as that was a spectacular autumn of fall colors.

Horton Hill Cemetery, Concord, New York - Nikon D300

The Burying Point, Salem, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - I don’t mind the grittiness in this piece.

Harborview Cemetery, Marblehead, Massachusetts - Nikon D300
Newton Cemetery, Newton, Massachusetts - Nikon D300

Washington Jewish Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z camera

First Parish Burial Ground, Wakefield, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - some years are just unbelievably blessed.

Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z - or in my case ‘BUSTED’ would be appropriate.

Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z

Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z - Got Color?

Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z - I had some near and far fun with light, dark, and color.

Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z - sometimes your lucky enough to have one pop out of the camera ready to hang on a wall. For me, this was one of them.

Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Nikon D300 - definitely not Ella’s day.

First Parish Burying Ground, Gloucester, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - the wind was my brush that day. Back and forth the field growth posed trying to make me happy.

Seaside/Locust Grove Cemetery, Gloucester, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - Somebody had to cook and clean. In the end, though, he liked the company of a woman.

Oak Hill Cemetery, Newburyport, Massachusetts - Nikon D300

Beech Brook Cemetery, Gloucester, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - I remember my old catholic grammar school fire drills. In fact, we were returning to the classroom from one, when over the intercom came the announcement that President Kennedy was assassinated. I remember that.

The Evergreen Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z - a favorite of many.

Beech Grove Cemetery, Rockport, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - New England fog, like New England ‘chowdah’, is just one of a kind. It thrills and haunts me all at the same time.

St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Cemetery, Dallas, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300 - from my earliest memories it never made any sense. Whatever gets you through the day I guess.

Proctor Animal Cemetery, Nashua, New Hampshire - Nikon D300 - I had dogs. But as I get older my pets get smaller. My last pet was a parakeet. My next pet will probably be an amoeba.

Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Nikon D300 - I know Shy Willie. He’s Me.

Dunmore Cemetery, Dunmore, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300

Dunmore Cemetery, Dunmore, PA - Nikon D300 - this mausoleum and background took a bit of work. I’m happy with it.

West Pittston Cemetery, West Pittston, PA - Nikon D300 - the magic of working with light, dark, and color, is quite evident in this photo of the gravestones and tree.

Southside Cemetery, Ipswich, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - ah, my oil paint. With moderate use, a master makes.

Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg, PA - Nikon D300 - Jennie Wade was the only civilian casualty during the Battle of Gettysburg. She died on July 3, 1863, with a picture of her love, Corporal Johnston “Jack” Hastings Skelly, nestled in her pocket. He would never learn of her death, as he died of wounds sustained at the Second Battle of Winchester in Virginia on July 12, 1863.

Salisbury Point Burying Ground, Amesbury, MA - Nikon D300 - the ground frame in this piece is just perfect.

Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Nikon D300

The Granary Burying Ground, Boston, MA - Nikon D300 - Mary Goose, in error, has often been called the original Mother Goose. Long story…look it up.

The Burying Point, Salem, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - the house is supposed to be haunted?

Lowell Cemetery, Lowell, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - easy Ladies :)

Carlisle Indian Industrial School Cemetery, Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300 - it opened in 1879 as the first government-run boarding school for Native American children. The goal? Forced assimilation of Native children into white American society under the belief of “Kill the Indian, Save the Man.”

Carlisle Indian Industrial School Cemetery, Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300

Carlisle Indian Industrial School Cemetery, Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300

Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts - Olympus C3100Z camera

Point of Graves, Portsmouth, New Hampshire - Olympus C3100Z

Temple Shalom Interfaith, Danvers, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - one thing leads to another, took a shot … Abstract Necropolis

Wyoming Cemetery, Exeter, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300

Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg, PA - Nikon D300
Rosetta - Scarlet Fever / Henry & Ellen - Consumption

Old Graveyard, Essex, Massachusetts - Nikon D300

Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300 camera

Rosemont Cemetery, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300 - theater seating?

Goodleburg Cemetery, Wales, New York - Nikon D300 - nope, no ghosts yet, but what a sight it was.

First Parish Burying Ground, Gloucester, Massachusetts - Nikon D300
First Parish Burying Ground, Rockport, Massachusetts - Nikon D300
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z - it was well into November when I came across my little friend far from home.
Old North End Burying Ground, Ipswich, Massachusetts - Nikon D300
Southside Cemetery, Ipswich, MA - Olympus C3100Z - another ‘whoa’ moment for me. The play with light, dark, and color gives it that 3D effect. That said, it really didn’t take much as that was a spectacular autumn of fall colors.
Horton Hill Cemetery, Concord, New York - Nikon D300
The Burying Point, Salem, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - I don’t mind the grittiness in this piece.
Harborview Cemetery, Marblehead, Massachusetts - Nikon D300
Newton Cemetery, Newton, Massachusetts - Nikon D300
Washington Jewish Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z camera
First Parish Burial Ground, Wakefield, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - some years are just unbelievably blessed.
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z - or in my case ‘BUSTED’ would be appropriate.
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z - Got Color?
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z - I had some near and far fun with light, dark, and color.
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z - sometimes your lucky enough to have one pop out of the camera ready to hang on a wall. For me, this was one of them.
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Nikon D300 - definitely not Ella’s day.
First Parish Burying Ground, Gloucester, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - the wind was my brush that day. Back and forth the field growth posed trying to make me happy.
Seaside/Locust Grove Cemetery, Gloucester, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - Somebody had to cook and clean. In the end, though, he liked the company of a woman.
Oak Hill Cemetery, Newburyport, Massachusetts - Nikon D300
Beech Brook Cemetery, Gloucester, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - I remember my old catholic grammar school fire drills. In fact, we were returning to the classroom from one, when over the intercom came the announcement that President Kennedy was assassinated. I remember that.
The Evergreen Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Olympus C3100Z - a favorite of many.
Beech Grove Cemetery, Rockport, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - New England fog, like New England ‘chowdah’, is just one of a kind. It thrills and haunts me all at the same time.
St. Mary’s Byzantine Catholic Cemetery, Dallas, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300 - from my earliest memories it never made any sense. Whatever gets you through the day I guess.
Proctor Animal Cemetery, Nashua, New Hampshire - Nikon D300 - I had dogs. But as I get older my pets get smaller. My last pet was a parakeet. My next pet will probably be an amoeba.
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Nikon D300 - I know Shy Willie. He’s Me.
Dunmore Cemetery, Dunmore, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300
Dunmore Cemetery, Dunmore, PA - Nikon D300 - this mausoleum and background took a bit of work. I’m happy with it.
West Pittston Cemetery, West Pittston, PA - Nikon D300 - the magic of working with light, dark, and color, is quite evident in this photo of the gravestones and tree.
Southside Cemetery, Ipswich, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - ah, my oil paint. With moderate use, a master makes.
Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg, PA - Nikon D300 - Jennie Wade was the only civilian casualty during the Battle of Gettysburg. She died on July 3, 1863, with a picture of her love, Corporal Johnston “Jack” Hastings Skelly, nestled in her pocket. He would never learn of her death, as he died of wounds sustained at the Second Battle of Winchester in Virginia on July 12, 1863.
Salisbury Point Burying Ground, Amesbury, MA - Nikon D300 - the ground frame in this piece is just perfect.
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York - Nikon D300
The Granary Burying Ground, Boston, MA - Nikon D300 - Mary Goose, in error, has often been called the original Mother Goose. Long story…look it up.
The Burying Point, Salem, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - the house is supposed to be haunted?
Lowell Cemetery, Lowell, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - easy Ladies :)
Carlisle Indian Industrial School Cemetery, Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300 - it opened in 1879 as the first government-run boarding school for Native American children. The goal? Forced assimilation of Native children into white American society under the belief of “Kill the Indian, Save the Man.”
Carlisle Indian Industrial School Cemetery, Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300
Carlisle Indian Industrial School Cemetery, Carlisle, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300
Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts - Olympus C3100Z camera
Point of Graves, Portsmouth, New Hampshire - Olympus C3100Z
Temple Shalom Interfaith, Danvers, Massachusetts - Nikon D300 - one thing leads to another, took a shot … Abstract Necropolis
Wyoming Cemetery, Exeter, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300
Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg, PA - Nikon D300
Rosetta - Scarlet Fever / Henry & Ellen - Consumption
Old Graveyard, Essex, Massachusetts - Nikon D300
Evergreen Cemetery, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300 camera
Rosemont Cemetery, Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania - Nikon D300 - theater seating?
Goodleburg Cemetery, Wales, New York - Nikon D300 - nope, no ghosts yet, but what a sight it was.